Dr Munashe Matambo


Professional Profile

  1. Summary of Qualifications
  • PhD Public Management and Governance, University of Johannesburg (2021).
  • Master of Public Administration (MPA), University of Zimbabwe (2017).
  • Honours in Administration (HAD), University of Zimbabwe (2015).
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Higher and Tertiary Education (PGDHTE), Great Zimbabwe University (2018).
  • Bachelor of Laws (LL. B), University of Zimbabwe (pending).
  1. Profile

Munashe Matambo is an emerging Public Management and Governance scholar with six years teaching, research and consultancy experience. He occasionally presents papers at international conferences hosted by the African Development Bank, United Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the United Nations Development Programme such as the Africa Economic Conference. He also facilitates workshops for Civil Society Organisations such as Transparency International Zimbabwe (TI-Z) and the Zimbabwe Coalition for Debt and Development (ZIMCODD). Prior to his current appointment in February 2022, he taught Public Administration at the University of Zimbabwe for five years. His teaching and research interests are in Law and Public Administration. He currently teaches the following courses:

  • Legal Environment in Business;
  • Leadership and Leadership Styles;
  • Project Management.
  1. Selected Publications
  1. Matambo, M and Dixon, A.D. 2021. Sovereign Wealth Funds in Africa: Getting the Aims and Objectives Right. Washington DC. Wilson Center Africa Program.
  2. Matambo, M. 2021. “The establishment, design and governance of commodity based Sovereign Wealth Funds in Africa”, African Economic Conference, co-hosted by the African Development Bank (AfDB), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in Sal/Santa Maria, Cape Verde, 2-4 December 2021. Available at: https://aec.afdb.org/fr/cea-2021/papiers
  3. Matambo, M. Zendera, D. and Moyo, M. forthcoming. “Machete Wielding Gangs in Zimbabwe’s Mining Sector: Implications for Peace and Equitable Resource Extraction at Local Level,” in Mhandara, L. and Murwira, A. (eds), Peacebuilding under the 2nd Republic in Zimbabwe: Challenges and Intervening Strategies. Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications (accepted, in press).
  4. Matambo, M. Moyo, G. Mukonza, R.M. and Chigova, L.E. forthcoming. “Corporate Governance and Credibility Gap: Four decades of struggling reform efforts in Zimbabwe.” African Renaissance, (under review).
  5. Matambo, M. and Uwizeyimana, D.E. forthcoming. “Establishing commodity-based Sovereign Wealth Funds in Africa: Lessons from Botswana’s Pula Fund.” African Development Review (under review).